Do you remember when gas was below $2? Man, my best friend and I would go half on gas. I put in 5 and she would put in 5. We were good to go! Then as the temperature outside rose, gas prices rose. Then I just started getting plain cheep! I used to have a bad habit of putting only $5 worth of gas in my car because I was stuck in a mentality that "I don't want to pay extra". The gas attendant got a kick out of my ignorant behavior. You couldn't tell me a THING! I would slide that five dollars on the counter like it was an offer he couldn't refuse. So what do you think happened? The next day, I was right back at the gas station...womp, womp. Needless to say, I have been delivered from that mentality and foolishness. I fill my tank to the full now because, when you think about it, it costs more when you don't.
My classmate warned me earlier this week that gas is going up to $3.65 by the end of the week. I would've been ok, except for that fact that I have been upgraded from a car to a truck. I reverted back to my old way of thinking. Man, I don't want to pay the extra amount of money it's going to take to fill my tank up.
God will speak to you in unconventional ways. He started to show me the correlation of filling my gas halfway or quarter way, that's how much I was filling myself up spiritually. I would sorta read my word but not study it. I would sorta read my word but not meditate on it. God will upgrade us to a new level but to whom much is given much is required. We fill up with the Word halfway or some of us, just a quarter tank because we don't want to spend the extra time. We do just enough to barely get by. It costs more when you don't fill yourself up with the Word. Put off the old man, and put on the new.
Clearly, today I was on half a tank and felt the effects of it...
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