Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blood Type: Toxic

Anybody who has a luxury vehicle will tell you that luxury vehicles require a certain type of treatment, such as quality gas. If you put any other type of gas or even cheaper gas in the tank, your car won't perform at it's best as it would with quality gas. The engine eventually would probably corrode and shut down. The same is with our bodies. We were designed to consume quality foods (organic fruits, veggies, meat etc.). These organic foods work for our benefit as does quality gas for any vehicle. They supply our bodies with specific nutrients that treat every part of our body, inside and out. But slowly but surely we have moved away from pure foods for the sake of quick production. We intake sugars that corrode our organs, processed meats that our bodies struggle to breakdown, and so on. I wonder why we don't perform to our potential? Or where diseases come from? Could it be a combo of deficiencies in our diet and stress? Stress? Yea, from keeping up with the Johnsons and the Joneses. Wow, just had an epiphany! We treat our luxury vehicles better than our own bodies! We are full of toxins from the environment and food. Toxins are sitting and shutting our systems down. It's usually a domino effect. When one part shuts down, another goes down hill, and then another.

I don't know exactly when the "quick" schemes first came on the scene. I'm assuming when the microwave was invented. Or maybe fast food restaurants started the madness. Whatever the case, we as Americans especially are all about the quick schemes. Get rich quick, lose weight quick, find a mate quick, prepare dinner quick, shed years of aging QUICK! Then "easy" was added at the tail end of quick. Every infomercial's tag line is "It's quick and easy". Meaning, not much work involved. But we are catering to laziness and perpetuating impatience. We are like water molecules when heated up. Going fast and eventually crashing. Crashing into others and crashing ourselves. It's always at the tail end of things that we hurry to reverse the inevitable. Our whole lives we eat fried food, salty food, junk food, smoke, drink etc. and then at the end suffering from all types of self inflicted diseases, we're concerned. All these years, we have been adding to the landfills things that take 100years and more to decompose, or planting more industrial buildings than trees, and BIG vehicles. Now we are seeing the effect it's having on the environment and everyone is scrambling to be "green". Green isn't a new concept. It's always been a choice that was rarely chosen. Green was a hindrance to QUICK production. The township that I live in doesn't participate in picking up recycling bins because it's an "eye sore". WOW!

I don't want too say "too little too late" and be a pessimist. Better late than never I guess. In the meantime, what we can make drastic changes about is our diet. We were designed with resilient bodies. Wouldn't it be cool if we really did live in a dome of bubble wrap? Reality is that we don't, so be good to yourself because the one's feeding you the quick schemes don't care about you. Be good to our dome of earth, because we don't get a new one.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

strange, im an infectious disease specialist. Just a hello, do check me out one day when u can rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, please comment and fell free to
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Anonymous said...

Good stuff! So true!