I love that phrase right now, "Crazy Wonderful"! That's how my life is feeling at this moment because I am witnessing a Word I received from the Throne itself unfolding! Sometimes when we quiet ourselves and get the boldness up to write down what we hear, we question what we've heard. I know I do! I'm like "God, was that me or you? Not tryna take credit, but I just needed to know if I'm talking to myself". I'm so messed up right now, my appetite has come and gone! And if you know me, then you know how much I love my food ;-)
My prayer journal is chock full of either dreams I have had, prayers I have prayed or spoken word form the Lord. This morning I woke up earlier than my alarm, so I decided not to fight it and to get up and pray. So I prayed and took my shower and was going to read over my notes from Sunday service and Tuesday's convention. That all changed as soon as I sat on my bed. I picked up my journal to read over a dream I had at the end of last year, when the book opened to the page where the Lord had spoken to me a few months ago. He gave me specific instructions that I had been lagging on and it hit me so hard! I will take a moment to be transparent (that's the purpose of this blog spot).
The set of instruction were all related to the same subject but one of the things the Lord told me to stop doing is pulling my hair back. Usually when it's around the time when I need to wash my hair, it stops cooperating with me and gets dirty. So I pull it back until I have time to wash it. Now this is not the reason 100% of the time, but for a good portion, that's the reason. I was suppose to wash my hair the other day but was too busy studying. Needless to say it got put off for an extra day. So I had been pulling my hair back and was going to do it again this morning. I felt this urgency to get up and wash my hair right at that moment. It's 7:40am and I needed to be at church by 9. It takes me a good hour and a half to really wash, blow, and curl my hair right. I only had 45 minutes, that is a short amount of time! I'm like "Ok Lord, I will do it but you have to help me". I was able to do it and leave the house in just enough time to make it to church. God wants you looking and feeling your best!
What's my point? God will blow your mind if you let him, so take a chance in hearing what He is saying to you and write it down! I can't speak on it just yet until things solidify but, I really feel a testimony coming on. I remember giving up on taking total control of my life and asking the Lord to write my story (on my signature line of my emails) in specific areas or just in general. It's so unconventional too. He is causing the desire of my heart to be granted, why? Because HE plants the desire in your heart (you're not that smart ;-) I'm feeling Crazy wonderful and my stomach has butterflies from anticipation land.
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