Am I living in a fan-ta-sy world,
to believe that I'm the on-ly girl,
to catch-your-eye in the middle of the room and from then on you have eyes just-for-me.
Am I living in a fan-ta-sy world,
with fan-cy flo-wers that all-look-the-same,
but there's one that holds your high-est esteem, me,
oh am i dreaming, un-realistic-ly.
What would you want if you could make me o-va?
I'm cu-rious, go-head and take your or-der.
Don't mind-me, it's just the thoughts I-think,
some crazy in-se-curi-ty.
Am I living in a fan-ta-sy world,
where my hair can-be-straight or curled,
but it's-just the fact I have hair-on-my-head,
that I could be accepted instead.
Am I living in a fan-ta-sy world,
to wish that ano-ther girl,
won't give-you-a-rush in the way-that-I-do,
make you won-der if you're mi-ssing-out,
or plant-the-seed of un-plea-sant doubt.
What would you want if you could make me o-va?
I'm cu-rious, go-head and take your or-der.
Don't mind-me, its just the thoughts I think,
some crazy in-se-curi-ty.
Am I living in a fan-ta-sy world,
where I ne-ver have a hair out-of-place,
no ble-mi-shes on my face,
my jeans fit-on-my-waist.
O-o-oh the time-I-waste with this crazy in-se-curi-ty.
But what if I had big boo-bies,
a sex-y figure with long-flowing-hair,
a slim nose and pretty-painted-toes,
arched brows and a ko-dak smile,
hair-less legs that stretch for-days,
slan-ted eyes or any o-ther size,
that aren't as-big as-the moon out-side.
I'm just grateful that I-can-see,
but, what do you see when-you look at-me?
I paint this world where to-each-his-own,
planted flow-ers ne-ver die,
and time-slows-down- for every second-that-goes by.
I painted this world where it's just you-and-I.
Shar-ing kisses un-der mid-night skies.
There's no worries a-bout the things I can't con-trol,
where-I-accept my beauty for my-own,
and accept my in-ner on the outside too.
I am living in a fan-ta-sy world.
Please wake-me-up from this fan-ta-sy world.
I am living in a fan-ta-sy world.
I'm waking -up from this fan-ta-sy world.
Be the best inner you can be...I'm taking my medicine.
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