a shared organic expression of thought, feeling or action benefiting the soul and body ~3 John 2~
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"Who told you that you were naked?"...Endearing, profound and revelatory ...
I was tagged in a note recently with the title "Who told you that you were naked", deriving from Genesis 3:11. I'm sorry to say that I didn't end up reading the note, but the title kind of haunted me days after glancing at it. I believe it's safe to say that most parents think the best of their off-spring, mess and all. From the unidentifiable drawings to the oddly shaped clay that somehow is suppose to resemble you, it's innate to adore.
I believe the most important things God wanted Adam to know about himself was that he was created in His image, possessing the ability and power to assign value, to color His world with words, rule as opposed to being ruled, live and not labor, love purely and be loved. Until one day, that day we often joke about in light-hearted banter, when he was told otherwise. I also will venture to believe that the "serpent" represented more than what is read on it's surface. What has someone told you that, as a result, caused a sense of self consciousness or that thing that you never realized that made you hide like Adam? I remember being told a story about a little boy who went to school one day and received news that rocked his little world. This little boy, after being picked up from school, proceeds to share with his mother that he was told he was African American. Now the little boy no longer sees himself as just the unstoppable Hulk Hogan, but by the color of his skin. The mother had a compassionate heart, recognizing the innocence of her child. I can imagine the compassionate tone God had towards Adam, realizing his innocence was gone. It was factual that the little boy was African American but before then, he only lived on the truth that he knew about himself. Truth that his family loved him. Truth that he could be anything he wanted. Truth that he wasn't lacking anything or in need.
It was indeed factual that Adam was naked, but he lost his truth all because of what he was told about himself. The truth of who he was was robbed by a fact. I'll use myself as an example. I have some cosmetic flaws. That's a fact (:-/). But I'll tell you this, I lost the truth of my beauty because I was made aware of my flaws by someone who was close to me. You could have a slight slant in your smile that you never noticed, but it's not until it's been pointed out that you notice it every time you take a picture. Then it turns into a complex, when before you were uninhibited. When I really do some self reflection, the main things that I have a complex about are things that have been put on spot light, overshadowing who I was made to be. What has been said to cause you to second guess yourself, your ability, worth or who you are? For the sake of modernizing, in other words "Who told you anything other than what God made you to be?"
I was tagged in a note recently with the title "Who told you that you were naked", deriving from Genesis 3:11. I'm sorry to say that I didn't end up reading the note, but the title kind of haunted me days after glancing at it. I believe it's safe to say that most parents think the best of their off-spring, mess and all. From the unidentifiable drawings to the oddly shaped clay that somehow is suppose to resemble you, it's innate to adore.
I believe the most important things God wanted Adam to know about himself was that he was created in His image, possessing the ability and power to assign value, to color His world with words, rule as opposed to being ruled, live and not labor, love purely and be loved. Until one day, that day we often joke about in light-hearted banter, when he was told otherwise. I also will venture to believe that the "serpent" represented more than what is read on it's surface. What has someone told you that, as a result, caused a sense of self consciousness or that thing that you never realized that made you hide like Adam? I remember being told a story about a little boy who went to school one day and received news that rocked his little world. This little boy, after being picked up from school, proceeds to share with his mother that he was told he was African American. Now the little boy no longer sees himself as just the unstoppable Hulk Hogan, but by the color of his skin. The mother had a compassionate heart, recognizing the innocence of her child. I can imagine the compassionate tone God had towards Adam, realizing his innocence was gone. It was factual that the little boy was African American but before then, he only lived on the truth that he knew about himself. Truth that his family loved him. Truth that he could be anything he wanted. Truth that he wasn't lacking anything or in need.
It was indeed factual that Adam was naked, but he lost his truth all because of what he was told about himself. The truth of who he was was robbed by a fact. I'll use myself as an example. I have some cosmetic flaws. That's a fact (:-/). But I'll tell you this, I lost the truth of my beauty because I was made aware of my flaws by someone who was close to me. You could have a slight slant in your smile that you never noticed, but it's not until it's been pointed out that you notice it every time you take a picture. Then it turns into a complex, when before you were uninhibited. When I really do some self reflection, the main things that I have a complex about are things that have been put on spot light, overshadowing who I was made to be. What has been said to cause you to second guess yourself, your ability, worth or who you are? For the sake of modernizing, in other words "Who told you anything other than what God made you to be?"
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I was sitting in my car, about to do a home visit, and I was being nosey watching the police responding to a call at a house further down the street. I just happened to look out the window to the left and across the street was this tiny brick house. Although houses stood on either side of it, it seemed as if it were standing alone. It couldn't have been more than 800sq ft and probably had one bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen/dinning room/family room all in one. My eyes were locked dead on this house. I don't know why but for some reason I was attracted to it and I said to myself that I would live in that house if I had one of the most important things to me. I would live in it for love. The house could be empty, but as long as my heart was full that's all I would care about. Here's to house 316.
I had an "I don't want to grow up" stint this past week adjusting to a new job where I was questioning my ability to do my job right and to make a difference. Pile on some decisions I have to make soon concerning my future and a great amount of anxiety about the upcoming holidays. I just became one big ball of tension! For a moment, I imagined life being a little easier where I wasn't challenged in so many ways and where everything just worked out right without much effort. Then I thought about the Easy Button and how nice it would be if it were something real that could be pushed and *shazam* everything turns right side up. Problems go away, folks act and treat you the way you expect, responsibilities become a little lighter, and days aren't so hectic. Smooth sailing. But since that button doesn't really exist with those functions, in my mind I have escaped to a small town in South America, living a simple life selling fruit in a street market (as I always say when I feel the urge to press eject).
Much has shifted and moved lately, in a good way, but it doesn't mean that with the shifts there wasn't going to be some pressure applied [I'm reminding myself]. Pressure is definitely not comfortable and neither is coming out of your comfort zone. Seems like when I'm taken to a new level there is an element of difficulty. I am grateful for the opportunities God has presented for me, no doubt. Think about gymnasts competing in the Olympics. It's definitely an honor to be there in the first place! There's a portion of their score that judged partly off of level of difficulty. Meaning that that there is an element to their performance that maybe they've never done before, was attempted. If they want to beat their competitors, they not only have perfect that element but do it better than everyone else. That's pressure! Just because the element may look nice on TV doesn't mean that it was easy for them to do. But what if someone won the gold medal for completing a cartwheel alone. Was much effort really put into winning that medal? Maybe if you were athletically challenged but for a good number of us, it can be done without much effort. Would the gold medal be appreciated if there wasn't any blood, sweat and tears put into it? It makes you think why our victories are sweeter when we've cried a little or thought this was the end of us but came to find out that it really wasn't. Then we look back and say "I don't even know how I made it through that hot mess!"
I've also thought about labor and why God designed it the way He did. The easy thing would be for your stomach to detach somehow and there's the baby. But it's an intense moment in time that tests you and seems like is pushing you to your limits (unless you've had an easy labor). I've always heard mothers say that once the baby arrived, everything they went through to get to that point seemed to disappear. For whatever pain or pressure was experienced, the end result makes it worth it all. I'm looking forward to that moment. But in the meantime, I have enough life moments like this illustration to labor through. The end results will be worth it and I know it. So do we really want life to be easy, taking it for granted? Or do we want to be pushed to explore our abilities and enjoy the fruits of our labor? I believe the latter.
Dear Lord,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I was thinking this morning, how would I feel as a parent if my children asked me for something that they wanted badly and I overheard them complaining about when they were going to get it and if I understood what they wanted. Like Christmas, for instance. I made my list and there was this great anxiety up until that Christmas morning to see if I got what I asked for. I had specifics and I wanted to make sure my requests were clear! Ok, back to me being a parent --->I would be upset! My desire to get what my children desired would be gone! I would feel my children were ungrateful and doubted my ability as a parent to be kind enough in granting their wishes. Then I had a reality check. That's how I treat God sometimes. I follow the Word, make my requests know, believe I receive and then ask God if he understood my request. I then become impatient with how long it's taking to manifest and if God understood what I wanted exactly. So then I thought to myself "What would make me, as a parent, move a little quicker in providing that 'thing' for my children?" Gratitude or thanks giving, not nagging. If my children were thankful and confident and showed excitement, I would stay on top of the mission and maybe even add a little something extra on the side. I believe that's how God is. Complaining, I believe, annoys him (as it would you too). Thanks giving causes His hand to move quicker. Just my own little reflection moment.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Special Delivery
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - things about such things." Philippians 4:8 NIV
About a week ago, I was having a particularly sad evening. So I remedied it by going to bed. That next morning I woke up from what was, to me, a nightmare about something that is near to my heart. Needless to say, that dream made matters worse and thoughts of fear and anxiety were swirling through my head all day. With the way I felt, the dream might as well have been real! This was something that I have battled with before and had gotten under control. I know how I am when things like this happen. I won't pray about the issue, I won't get encouragement from the Word and I won't talk to God because "I just need a moment". I got nothing accomplished that day and used my sadness as an excuse. The very next evening, I went to church as I heard a message about faith (something pretty commonly talked about). But this time, it was different! It was explained in a way that got my attention. The theme of the message was about recession and believing for God to restore back the material things that were lost [by faith]. That's not my story though (thank God!), so I'm believing for other things. I went home and repented for allowing doubt and fear to come into my heart and not believing that God is actually able to work my stuff out. Sometimes we feel that things are so far gone that we give up on them.
In reflection, I realized why I had a moment of a temper tantrum. My weekends had been particularly busy and long. When I find myself going to bed late, getting up early, not saying my confessions, running out the door and running on E, I'm in a position of vulnerability. I basically left the backdoor open for the enemy to get into my thoughts. So he seized the opportunity to deliver my [old] fears and [old] anxieties and I signed for the packages. These are things I have no business entertaining. So I reminded myself of the scripture above and told my mind that it will only think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Anything that is of negative report, you can find comfort in knowing that it is not from God. God doesn't deliver fear and anxiety. He's a business man but that's not his m.o.
Having a life and staying busy needs balance. With no balance, you will end up a target. It's ok to slow down and take care of not just your body but also your mind. Just know that whatever you are believing for, the enemy will come with his plan of attack to get your faith off of believing for that thing. It's no coincidence. That's the true test. How much do you really believe God is able, against all odds?
About a week ago, I was having a particularly sad evening. So I remedied it by going to bed. That next morning I woke up from what was, to me, a nightmare about something that is near to my heart. Needless to say, that dream made matters worse and thoughts of fear and anxiety were swirling through my head all day. With the way I felt, the dream might as well have been real! This was something that I have battled with before and had gotten under control. I know how I am when things like this happen. I won't pray about the issue, I won't get encouragement from the Word and I won't talk to God because "I just need a moment". I got nothing accomplished that day and used my sadness as an excuse. The very next evening, I went to church as I heard a message about faith (something pretty commonly talked about). But this time, it was different! It was explained in a way that got my attention. The theme of the message was about recession and believing for God to restore back the material things that were lost [by faith]. That's not my story though (thank God!), so I'm believing for other things. I went home and repented for allowing doubt and fear to come into my heart and not believing that God is actually able to work my stuff out. Sometimes we feel that things are so far gone that we give up on them.
In reflection, I realized why I had a moment of a temper tantrum. My weekends had been particularly busy and long. When I find myself going to bed late, getting up early, not saying my confessions, running out the door and running on E, I'm in a position of vulnerability. I basically left the backdoor open for the enemy to get into my thoughts. So he seized the opportunity to deliver my [old] fears and [old] anxieties and I signed for the packages. These are things I have no business entertaining. So I reminded myself of the scripture above and told my mind that it will only think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Anything that is of negative report, you can find comfort in knowing that it is not from God. God doesn't deliver fear and anxiety. He's a business man but that's not his m.o.
Having a life and staying busy needs balance. With no balance, you will end up a target. It's ok to slow down and take care of not just your body but also your mind. Just know that whatever you are believing for, the enemy will come with his plan of attack to get your faith off of believing for that thing. It's no coincidence. That's the true test. How much do you really believe God is able, against all odds?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Offense...The New Cholesterol
When we think of heart disease and clogged arteries, we look at the causes which are typically a build up of calcium, fat, cholesterol and others. When these harmful deposits continue to collect, it narrows the artery essentially cutting off blood supply to the heart. The heart is not able to function at its full potential and successfully carry out its purpose (as it was designed to). This is not a lesson on biology but a lesson on the heart.
If we were to open our closet of memories, I'm sure we could all clearly recount some very hurtful moments. "Life happens", as it was so frankly told to me one time. I didn't like hearing that because there was nothing comforting or stable about something just happening to me. But it is true. Because life happens and people are people, there are going to be moments when you are hurt intentionally or unintentionally (and you will hurt others). There are going to be moments when people don't do what you naturally expect them to do. There are going to be moments when someone does something completely opposite of what you asked of them. Maybe something was said in a tone that seemed disrespectful. There is always going to be an opportunity for 'offense'. You can almost count on it. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, offense is:
1. Something that outrages the moral or physical senses
2. The act of displeasing or affronting
3. A breach of moral or social code
4. Or as I define it, "you did me wrong"
I believe offense is a natural response, although not the best. But it's a reflex. When something happens we automatically feel we are entitled to be offended and then vindicated. Especially when the offense was not even acknowledged. But offense is a silent killer. It collects and builds up in our hearts and before you know it, our hearts are hardened (dead). There is no supply coming to or from the heart anymore. You can't receive love nor show the love of God. In my quest to keep growing, offense is something I have had to keep an eye on. I've noticed an increase in the opportunities to be offended but I had to address it and give it over to God so that I wouldn't develop heart disease. After all, offense is a heart issue. It's that cringe we feel when someone's name is mentioned or something triggers those dormant ill feelings. The solution is forgiveness. I had a friend put forgiveness into perspective for me in a way that had never heard (Thanks B. Hard - I took it to heart). He said that forgiveness is separating the person from the offense. That way you won't punish the person, but merely acknowledge the offense and dispose of it.
For the past month, Bishop Butler has been doing a series on prayer. Last night he reminded us that offense stops the flow of what you are praying and believing God for. It also ties God's hands from forgiving you! He told us to let go of the offense. I left service and asked God "what do you want from me. I have forgiven already!" I'm someone who is quick to forgive, but have silently held offense. For a long time I struggled with letting offense go because I felt I owned it rightfully. That justice was not served and I got the short end of the stick. Offense is that security blanket or that playing card you can use to justify your damage. We like attention and we like to be victims so people will come and comfort us and make a big to-do over us. But while you are holding onto that thing (whatever it is), you are hurting only yourself. You are clogging your own heart and causing your own heart disease. Is it smart to make your own self [heart] sick? Folks will go on like nothing happened and sometimes you may feel like you were the one left to clean up the mess and pick up the pieces. Sometimes, it's like that. But I encourage you today, as I have put into practice, to let go of the offense or whatever that no no is to you. Brush that chip off your shoulder and separate the person from the offense. It all starts with forgiveness. Not permitting what was done, but saying "Hey, you made a mistake. I make mistakes. I'm not going to hold it against you". Our minds say "What! NO! " But that's where we are responsible for renewing our minds and thoughts (Phil 4:8).
Just remember that just like we call on God's grace to release us from the punishment or consequences that we really deserve, we need to extend that same grace. I have prayed for God to help me operate in grace towards others and it is working. If you don't want God to give you what you deserve [negatively], then don't dish it out to others. Grace and mercy is our lifeline.
If we were to open our closet of memories, I'm sure we could all clearly recount some very hurtful moments. "Life happens", as it was so frankly told to me one time. I didn't like hearing that because there was nothing comforting or stable about something just happening to me. But it is true. Because life happens and people are people, there are going to be moments when you are hurt intentionally or unintentionally (and you will hurt others). There are going to be moments when people don't do what you naturally expect them to do. There are going to be moments when someone does something completely opposite of what you asked of them. Maybe something was said in a tone that seemed disrespectful. There is always going to be an opportunity for 'offense'. You can almost count on it. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, offense is:
1. Something that outrages the moral or physical senses
2. The act of displeasing or affronting
3. A breach of moral or social code
4. Or as I define it, "you did me wrong"
I believe offense is a natural response, although not the best. But it's a reflex. When something happens we automatically feel we are entitled to be offended and then vindicated. Especially when the offense was not even acknowledged. But offense is a silent killer. It collects and builds up in our hearts and before you know it, our hearts are hardened (dead). There is no supply coming to or from the heart anymore. You can't receive love nor show the love of God. In my quest to keep growing, offense is something I have had to keep an eye on. I've noticed an increase in the opportunities to be offended but I had to address it and give it over to God so that I wouldn't develop heart disease. After all, offense is a heart issue. It's that cringe we feel when someone's name is mentioned or something triggers those dormant ill feelings. The solution is forgiveness. I had a friend put forgiveness into perspective for me in a way that had never heard (Thanks B. Hard - I took it to heart). He said that forgiveness is separating the person from the offense. That way you won't punish the person, but merely acknowledge the offense and dispose of it.
For the past month, Bishop Butler has been doing a series on prayer. Last night he reminded us that offense stops the flow of what you are praying and believing God for. It also ties God's hands from forgiving you! He told us to let go of the offense. I left service and asked God "what do you want from me. I have forgiven already!" I'm someone who is quick to forgive, but have silently held offense. For a long time I struggled with letting offense go because I felt I owned it rightfully. That justice was not served and I got the short end of the stick. Offense is that security blanket or that playing card you can use to justify your damage. We like attention and we like to be victims so people will come and comfort us and make a big to-do over us. But while you are holding onto that thing (whatever it is), you are hurting only yourself. You are clogging your own heart and causing your own heart disease. Is it smart to make your own self [heart] sick? Folks will go on like nothing happened and sometimes you may feel like you were the one left to clean up the mess and pick up the pieces. Sometimes, it's like that. But I encourage you today, as I have put into practice, to let go of the offense or whatever that no no is to you. Brush that chip off your shoulder and separate the person from the offense. It all starts with forgiveness. Not permitting what was done, but saying "Hey, you made a mistake. I make mistakes. I'm not going to hold it against you". Our minds say "What! NO! " But that's where we are responsible for renewing our minds and thoughts (Phil 4:8).
Just remember that just like we call on God's grace to release us from the punishment or consequences that we really deserve, we need to extend that same grace. I have prayed for God to help me operate in grace towards others and it is working. If you don't want God to give you what you deserve [negatively], then don't dish it out to others. Grace and mercy is our lifeline.
Monday, October 25, 2010
What Would You Do?
Every now and then I catch 20/20's What Would You Do episodes and I was home to watch the most recent show. If you aren't familiar with these episodes, actors are used to play out controversial scenarios to see how on-lookers will respond. Will they do what's right and intervene or will they turn their backs and ignore the situation out of discomfort. One of the scenarios from this past episode had a nicely dressed woman (actress) walking down the sidewalk, fainting suddenly. On-lookers immediately approached the woman and called 911. The scenario was switched and this time they used a man (actor) dressed in dingy clothes, could obviously be identified as someone who was possibly homeless, carrying a beer can. The actor stumbles down the sidewalk and eventually collapses. Only this time, no one came to his rescue. People literally walked around him as if he wasn't there. I almost felt like I wasn't watching something real. All of a sudden, a woman who was identified as also homeless, wanders over to the "homeless" man (or assumed to be by the general public), checks him out, stands up against the wall and repeatedly asks for passerby's to call 911. Still, no one responds. Finally someone begins to call but in the meantime, this lady named him Billy, making him human. Whooh! She identified with him, advocated for his help and dignified him as a worthy human being. I couldn't even hold myself any longer! I began to tear up. That episode was a snapshot of our selective attitudes. Everyday, the homeless are walked by, ignored, and devalued as humans. We forget that these are individuals who had lives at one time. We forget that these are individuals that have a name. We wash our hands and are not responsible for anything or anyone but ourselves at times. This episode was very reflective and I encourage you to watch the video below and ask yourself what would you really do?
Friday, October 22, 2010
What's Eat'n You Cont...
In my quest to get my daily calories in and naturally address some issues experienced in my body, I have spent time researching foods that exacerbate those issues and address them. In 3 John verse 2 it reads "I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all my go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well" (NIV). Not only do we have to take care of our minds, will and emotions but also our bodies. I've come across enough information to confirm the dangers of things we consume mindlessly. So I've developed a diet that works for me as well as with me. This meant that I would have to substitute certain things and retrain my buds. I think the general apprehension is that we're so use to eating junk that we won't enjoy eating healthy. Or that a modified diet will cause you to sign your checks over to the grocery store. But I have found some good stuff! I usually cook meals that will last me almost a week. With the help of some websites I've frequented, I've learned a few economy friendly meals to cook that are filling, don't require a shopping cart full of ingredients and won't send me to the grave early.
What's been cooking in my kitchen:
Here's an easy dish I enjoy that will allow you to get your servings of legumes and veggies (fiber/protein/vitamins):
*Southwest Chili - dark kidney beans, black beans, mixed organic veggies, Hunts organic tomato paste, Hunts organic diced tomatoes, 1 1/2 packs of chili powder (no msg)...add a pound of turkey meat if you'd like. Stew and season to taste. I don't add salt because I usually eat my chili with oyster crackers! If you must, try sea salt as an alternative to iodized salt.
Healthy pasta dishes include whole wheat (grain) pasta with all natural tomato sauce (get your lycopene on!)
*Stuffed Pasta Shells - One box of shells, Prego ~all natural~ Tomato Sauce, Boca Meat (substitute), saute` diced white onions-garlic-basil, stuff boiled shells, cover with tomato sauce and place in the oven covered for 15 mins. Enjoy your shells with some Italian bread and a spinach salad for filling.
Get your Omega 3 in with a fish dinner! Skip the fryer and bake that suckah!
*Tilapia (or Salmon) with Wild Rice and Stir Fried Veggies - Two packs of 4 frozen fish fillets, one package of long grain rice, garlic powder, sea salt, pepper, lemon juice, a couple of zucchini and squash (two of each), broccoli, and baby corn. Marinate fish for more flavor and stir fry veggies to liking.
I enjoy sandwiches as well so recently I tried:
*Tofu Sandwich - skillet seared strips of tofu sprayed with amino acid, homemade guacamole (foreal!), lettuce and sliced tomatoes on flaxseed bread.
Snack Substitutes:
*Berry Medley - fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. This is for my sweet tooth-ers.
*Soy Ice Cream (Purely Decadent Organic Brand) - for all of my lactose intolerant friends (of which there are some still in the closet), who just want to reminisce on the good ol' days. You can't even tell the difference! My fav flavor is Turtle Trails.
*Pita Chips - whatever brand you buy, whatever! These are good and not bad for you! I get mine from Trader Joe's.
*IZZE Sparkling Drinks (all natural)- Great for pop lovers without the damaging sugars! I got turned on to these and every now and then, I will treat myself (is a little pricey). Sometimes on sale at CVS.
*Bolthouse Farms Smoothies - Also another pricey item that you can catch on sale. All natural, providing full servings of fruits and vegetables (depending on what kind you get). Strawberry Banana and Berry Boost are my choices.
*Juicy Juice - 100% all natural ingredients. Period. No high fructose corn syrup, no coloring, no crazy stuff. Berry and Apple.
* WATER! I know some folks have a hard time with water, but that's what sparkling water is for. It makes for an easier transition.
These were just a few things on my list. I am still trying out new recipes. Next week I will tackle a seafood couscous dish! Since I have to cook, I might as well make it interesting. Hopefully I gave you some brain food.
My go to's:
What's been cooking in my kitchen:
Here's an easy dish I enjoy that will allow you to get your servings of legumes and veggies (fiber/protein/vitamins):
*Southwest Chili - dark kidney beans, black beans, mixed organic veggies, Hunts organic tomato paste, Hunts organic diced tomatoes, 1 1/2 packs of chili powder (no msg)...add a pound of turkey meat if you'd like. Stew and season to taste. I don't add salt because I usually eat my chili with oyster crackers! If you must, try sea salt as an alternative to iodized salt.
Healthy pasta dishes include whole wheat (grain) pasta with all natural tomato sauce (get your lycopene on!)
*Stuffed Pasta Shells - One box of shells, Prego ~all natural~ Tomato Sauce, Boca Meat (substitute), saute` diced white onions-garlic-basil, stuff boiled shells, cover with tomato sauce and place in the oven covered for 15 mins. Enjoy your shells with some Italian bread and a spinach salad for filling.
Get your Omega 3 in with a fish dinner! Skip the fryer and bake that suckah!
*Tilapia (or Salmon) with Wild Rice and Stir Fried Veggies - Two packs of 4 frozen fish fillets, one package of long grain rice, garlic powder, sea salt, pepper, lemon juice, a couple of zucchini and squash (two of each), broccoli, and baby corn. Marinate fish for more flavor and stir fry veggies to liking.
I enjoy sandwiches as well so recently I tried:
*Tofu Sandwich - skillet seared strips of tofu sprayed with amino acid, homemade guacamole (foreal!), lettuce and sliced tomatoes on flaxseed bread.
Snack Substitutes:
*Berry Medley - fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. This is for my sweet tooth-ers.
*Soy Ice Cream (Purely Decadent Organic Brand) - for all of my lactose intolerant friends (of which there are some still in the closet), who just want to reminisce on the good ol' days. You can't even tell the difference! My fav flavor is Turtle Trails.
*Pita Chips - whatever brand you buy, whatever! These are good and not bad for you! I get mine from Trader Joe's.
*IZZE Sparkling Drinks (all natural)- Great for pop lovers without the damaging sugars! I got turned on to these and every now and then, I will treat myself (is a little pricey). Sometimes on sale at CVS.
*Bolthouse Farms Smoothies - Also another pricey item that you can catch on sale. All natural, providing full servings of fruits and vegetables (depending on what kind you get). Strawberry Banana and Berry Boost are my choices.
*Juicy Juice - 100% all natural ingredients. Period. No high fructose corn syrup, no coloring, no crazy stuff. Berry and Apple.
* WATER! I know some folks have a hard time with water, but that's what sparkling water is for. It makes for an easier transition.
These were just a few things on my list. I am still trying out new recipes. Next week I will tackle a seafood couscous dish! Since I have to cook, I might as well make it interesting. Hopefully I gave you some brain food.
My go to's:
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What's Eat'n You?

In The Beginning...
When I read the Old Testament, I'm always amazed at the number of years many lived. For example, a man named Jared lived to be 962 year old (Genesis 5:20). I can't even imagine what that looks like (nor do I want to)! So I like to pick brains...I asked a couple of people why we don't live to be that old anymore. No one comes even near those kind of ages. Some of the answers I got were spiritual and others, natural. Increasingly, I have been as equally concerned with the natural as I have spiritual. I think there is something to be considered, that is being overlooked (not that an answer will yield those kind of birthdays again).
Last summer I visited a pilates class at a popular gym and during our exercise, the instructor (whom was kinda hippie-ish) began talking about nutrition and the additives that are in our food. She goes on to say that a common additive in food is one of the properties used in embalming fluid [slowing down the healing and repair mechanisms of your body]. By this time, I was already in the process of revamping my diet, but this made me become more discriminatory of the food I cook and eat and more label conscious. I am by *NO MEANS* a nutritional guru...just a girl on a budget trying to do better. So from one budget-er to another, these are my findings.
Rocket Science...
I'm becoming more and more of a believer that aggressive and progressive illnesses in our bodies are not a mystery or phenom, but correlative to the manipulation/consumption of kryptonite foods. So I decided to fish around [no pun intended] to see what info I could back up my woman's intuition with. Although some of my sources are not from the horses mouth, they have done the research themselves, noting credible sources (why reinvent the wheel).
World Health Organization says, "70 percent of all cancers can be prevented with simple changes in diet and lifestyle."
"Cancer tumors develop, in part, by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you eat lots of sugary snacks loaded with simple carbs, you're loading your bloodstream with the chemical energy
needed for cancer cells (and tumors) to proliferate." (http://www.naturalnews.com/021808.html)
Other articles to read at your leisure (asap) *Disclaimer - left to your own interpretation. Eat the hay and spit the sticks if you must:
I'm not 100% organic and I do manage to get some "naughty by nature" ingredients into my diet but that has decreased tremendously. In my research of good vs. evil, I have run across what we ignore daily.
My SMALL list of buyer bewares:
high-fructose corn syrup
Sugar sucrose
Enriched bleached flour
White rice
White pastas
White breads and other "white" foods.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG - nasty villian!)
Food colorings
High concentrations of salt (sea salt a better alternative)
Anything that seems to be spelled with every letter in the alphabet.
Anything that explicitly says "Not a significant source of nutritional value"
I mean the list could go on! And on a lot of packages, it does. If you read the label and it seems like a lot is going on, it's because it is. If it reads like a novel, that's an indication. And don't be fooled by those packages that have you feeling good about your purchase on the front, but has ulterior motives on the back. Even those "healthy" snacks can sneak up on you. I feel a little differently about my granola bars now :-( Maybe they reduced the fat/calories but they didn't reduce the additives:

Look for brands that say "0 grams of trans fat, No MSG, No artificial colors or flavors, No preservatives, Non - GMO ingredients, Gluten free...". My feelings have been hurt over and over as I found out the foods that I thought were healthy, really violated me. To simplify my mornings, I would pop in a bagel and go! Hey, that's a step up from me not eating breakfast at all. Whole wheat bagels...but what's the trade off:

I will be the first to admit that eating healthier can put a dent in my purse but think of all the little ways you spend money that adds up big. Eating out several times, going to the movies during the weekend when you can pay less than half the price during the week, . That money could go towards some fresh fruits and veggies! Even for the vending machine addicts, every dollar counts! Where can YOU cut back? I always manage to find a good produce sale at Kroger (although Meijer seems to have fresher produce for a better price). Even with produce, be mindful. If you look at the carton of strawberries and say "hmmm...those are some big strawberries" put them down and walk away slowly. Buy 100% juice that is really 100% (Juicey Juice/Old Orchard...). Our bodies were made to process food but not process processed food. This isn't about being overly conscious and not enjoying yourself. This is dispelling the notion that ignorance is bliss.
Oh Soy!
For all my soy lovers...especially females...consume in moderation. It does something a little funky to our hormones. When soy is heavily processed, it no longer becomes a healthy alternative: http://www.suite101.com/content/soy-a27818
Crap Happens!
I was thinking of a BMW or Mercedes. Those kind of luxury vehicles don't manage well using Regular gas. You have to use Premium or Silver (the kind we are too cheap to put in our own vehicles ;-) to maintain the life of the engine. It's no different with our bodies. What we put in is what we get out. Crap goes in, crap comes out, and crap happens. Unfortunately, we live during a time where treatment is profitable, not awareness and prevention. That would cut the medical industries profits down tremendously. We can't have that can we?! The bottom line is being agents of our own prevention. Food is for the purpose of keeping our bodies alive, not killing them. God can have the intention of satisfying us with long life (like our biblical counterparts), but we have a part to play in that also. I will post sequel to this blog with healthy meals that play nice with your wallet!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Zombie Salmon
There's something about the creation altering the creation. It's never creative, but only destructive. I don't know about you but tampering with my food is a little creepy. It always has been (i.e our steroid and anti-biotic riddled meat and veggies). The FDA is in the process of approving genetically altered salmon as an answer to the recent Gulf oil spill. What's worse is there will be no regulations on packaging. What does that mean? It means packaging is not required to indicate that the fish you are buying is modified fish, taking away your right to choose.
Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/06/AR2010090602424.html?wprss=rss_nation
Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/06/AR2010090602424.html?wprss=rss_nation
Thursday, October 7, 2010
From The Heart of a Believer
We as beings have a responsibility to "the earth and the fullness thereof", as it has been granted to us. Whether you agree that there is a God or not, I think we can agree that neither you nor I created this thing. And we certainly don't know anyone who has. The quickest way to throw a population into extinction is to turn its members against one another. We plot to kill each other, we plot to kill the unborn and we plot to kill our environment. We make movies about it, TV shows and video games. We are walking zombies that have been desensitized.
Today I found myself disturbed by issues that push the button of my heart. I was reading the newspaper online and saw an article that reveals how far we have come from the founding biblical principles this country was founded on. This erosion is the root cause of our weakening societal and political infrastructure. In short, members of the Westboro Baptist Church were exercising what the Supreme Court is undecided about being their 1st Amendment Right and picketed outside of the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, a fallen soldier. Sounds kinda crazy huh? So what was the rationale? "U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are punishment for Americans' immorality, including tolerance of homosexuality and abortion." If that made no sense to you, God is allowing soldiers to die because America is immoral. So how did this church express their belief? By heartlessly toting signs that read "God hates the USA...You're going to hell...Thank God for dead soldiers" And here's the grand finale, a young boy with a sign that reads "God hates you".
Detroit News http://detnews.com/article/20101006/NATION/10060423/1020/nation/Supreme-Court-struggles-with-funeral-protest-case
I read the preceding comments, as everyone turned on each other. Where do we draw the line of Freedom of Speech? Do we really have a right to emotionally harm bereaving families? And how does the church send mixed messages of scripture and actions? This, amongst other hateful ways we show our distaste for one another, is about the loss of moral and ethical sensibility. I'm not arguing this article because that's pointless. I'm arguing the hardened heart of man.
But what brought me to tears, today, was a conversation that erupted in my presence. It was about abortion, something nearer to my heart more than anything. A story was being told very casually of one's experience at the clinic, almost like shopping at the mall. It's not casual. I am afraid of the power we have taken to make such choices and more so our attitudes towards that power. It's the attitude that enables and gives us permission to picket funerals of fallen soldiers, murder over money and abuse. Ask yourself, what is too far?
From the heart of a believer, I ask that you pray with me for the restoration of this land. That our conscience no longer be seared and that we choose right even if we have the power to choose wrong. Pray for the hearts of man to be turned to God, those who claim to be messengers of God but are false and those who are authentic. Pray for our political leaders and law makers.
I'm getting off my box now. As much as the news is repetitive with the same ol' same ol', I don't ever want to get to a place where I am not disturbed because then I will know that I myself have become desensitized. Notice how those who have been leaders in history are the ones who were disturbed about something. Consciousness raising...
Today I found myself disturbed by issues that push the button of my heart. I was reading the newspaper online and saw an article that reveals how far we have come from the founding biblical principles this country was founded on. This erosion is the root cause of our weakening societal and political infrastructure. In short, members of the Westboro Baptist Church were exercising what the Supreme Court is undecided about being their 1st Amendment Right and picketed outside of the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, a fallen soldier. Sounds kinda crazy huh? So what was the rationale? "U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are punishment for Americans' immorality, including tolerance of homosexuality and abortion." If that made no sense to you, God is allowing soldiers to die because America is immoral. So how did this church express their belief? By heartlessly toting signs that read "God hates the USA...You're going to hell...Thank God for dead soldiers" And here's the grand finale, a young boy with a sign that reads "God hates you".
Detroit News http://detnews.com/article/20101006/NATION/10060423/1020/nation/Supreme-Court-struggles-with-funeral-protest-case
I read the preceding comments, as everyone turned on each other. Where do we draw the line of Freedom of Speech? Do we really have a right to emotionally harm bereaving families? And how does the church send mixed messages of scripture and actions? This, amongst other hateful ways we show our distaste for one another, is about the loss of moral and ethical sensibility. I'm not arguing this article because that's pointless. I'm arguing the hardened heart of man.
But what brought me to tears, today, was a conversation that erupted in my presence. It was about abortion, something nearer to my heart more than anything. A story was being told very casually of one's experience at the clinic, almost like shopping at the mall. It's not casual. I am afraid of the power we have taken to make such choices and more so our attitudes towards that power. It's the attitude that enables and gives us permission to picket funerals of fallen soldiers, murder over money and abuse. Ask yourself, what is too far?
From the heart of a believer, I ask that you pray with me for the restoration of this land. That our conscience no longer be seared and that we choose right even if we have the power to choose wrong. Pray for the hearts of man to be turned to God, those who claim to be messengers of God but are false and those who are authentic. Pray for our political leaders and law makers.
I'm getting off my box now. As much as the news is repetitive with the same ol' same ol', I don't ever want to get to a place where I am not disturbed because then I will know that I myself have become desensitized. Notice how those who have been leaders in history are the ones who were disturbed about something. Consciousness raising...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
When the Ice Cream's Gone...
I'm back and hopefully it's for good this time! I have been sitting on my hands that were made for expression and [God] decided to let them breathe. I was starting to feel like a kid on a scooter, pumping it up for speed. Pushing off takes energy and after a while, I lost it.
The beginning of 2010 started out with a hopeful bang. I was determined to have a year where the spoken word for that year actually came to pass. But I knew that kind of manifestation started with me...(and it starts with you too). Unfortunately I came in on a road-to-recovery status, so I had added work ahead of me, of which I was bitterly angry about. I finally hit a point in the midst of all my extreme emotions that nothing could sooth and said "Lord, I just want to be happy". You ever feel that way? I think sometimes we think it's un-holy to admit what God already knows (my life script~Psalm 139:2-4). It was an emergency. I couldn't move forward with the vision. Superman can't save the world beat down! I knew that if I did not possess happiness, I would fall victim to everything in my life. Life would own my soul.
God, in all his depth, really does have a sense of humor. He heard my broken record of a plea. One day, not too long after my plea, I took a trip to the Family Christian Bookstore and as I skimmed the Women's section I ran across a book called [insert title here]. You guessed it! Lord, I Just Want To Be Happy by Leslie Vernick. Ere...What are the odds?!
Back cover highlights:
*Recognize and change habits that , day by day, keep you from experiencing happiness.
*Make good choices and learn from mistakes without beating yourself up.
*Develop the skills that will enable you to let go of negative and painful emotions more quickly.
*Transform difficult circumstances so you can live with gratitude, joy and purpose.
This was on time. In my simplest conclusion, happiness is a choice. It does not force itself on you, write you love notes or sit by your bed waiting for you to wake up. It's not an amusement ride we wait in line for or a mystic thing we travel across the world for. You want it, choose it! Choose it when you wake up, when someone pushes your buttons, when you're stuck in a traffic jam, when the dog eats up your expensive underwear. Don't find it like most are wasting their money doing. Choose it. Happiness is a book in everybody's library, but it's competing with other tempting reads such as "Woe is Me Willow Tree" or "The Cussing Book for the Soul"...or my favorite "Regretful in Seattle". The reality is, I don't think choosing it is always the issue but maintaining it can be the ultimate challenge. These are my ways to maintain:
*CONFESS THE WORD. It is a must! If you can't leave the house without make up, you definitely can't leave without positive self talk. Check what's coming out your mouth because you have what you say.
*Put life into perspective. What's your bottom line of importance or what could be worse?
*Immerse yourself in things you enjoy and activities that make you 'selfless' (running, volunteering etc.).
*Guard your heart. Don't listen to that song or watch media that validates negative emotions.
*The most obvious, pray. Clearly God hears us if I find a book that took the words right out of my mouth. He is a breath's length away from you.
You can customize your own mechanism of protecting and maintaining your happiness. All in all, when the ice cream is finally gone and you played out that sad song, choose happiness. You'll be waiting forever if you don't. Make no mistake. Things will challenge it and you might have a bad day, but the important thing is recovering quickly because someone is waiting on you to change their life.
The beginning of 2010 started out with a hopeful bang. I was determined to have a year where the spoken word for that year actually came to pass. But I knew that kind of manifestation started with me...(and it starts with you too). Unfortunately I came in on a road-to-recovery status, so I had added work ahead of me, of which I was bitterly angry about. I finally hit a point in the midst of all my extreme emotions that nothing could sooth and said "Lord, I just want to be happy". You ever feel that way? I think sometimes we think it's un-holy to admit what God already knows (my life script~Psalm 139:2-4). It was an emergency. I couldn't move forward with the vision. Superman can't save the world beat down! I knew that if I did not possess happiness, I would fall victim to everything in my life. Life would own my soul.
God, in all his depth, really does have a sense of humor. He heard my broken record of a plea. One day, not too long after my plea, I took a trip to the Family Christian Bookstore and as I skimmed the Women's section I ran across a book called [insert title here]. You guessed it! Lord, I Just Want To Be Happy by Leslie Vernick. Ere...What are the odds?!
Back cover highlights:
*Recognize and change habits that , day by day, keep you from experiencing happiness.
*Make good choices and learn from mistakes without beating yourself up.
*Develop the skills that will enable you to let go of negative and painful emotions more quickly.
*Transform difficult circumstances so you can live with gratitude, joy and purpose.
This was on time. In my simplest conclusion, happiness is a choice. It does not force itself on you, write you love notes or sit by your bed waiting for you to wake up. It's not an amusement ride we wait in line for or a mystic thing we travel across the world for. You want it, choose it! Choose it when you wake up, when someone pushes your buttons, when you're stuck in a traffic jam, when the dog eats up your expensive underwear. Don't find it like most are wasting their money doing. Choose it. Happiness is a book in everybody's library, but it's competing with other tempting reads such as "Woe is Me Willow Tree" or "The Cussing Book for the Soul"...or my favorite "Regretful in Seattle". The reality is, I don't think choosing it is always the issue but maintaining it can be the ultimate challenge. These are my ways to maintain:
*CONFESS THE WORD. It is a must! If you can't leave the house without make up, you definitely can't leave without positive self talk. Check what's coming out your mouth because you have what you say.
*Put life into perspective. What's your bottom line of importance or what could be worse?
*Immerse yourself in things you enjoy and activities that make you 'selfless' (running, volunteering etc.).
*Guard your heart. Don't listen to that song or watch media that validates negative emotions.
*The most obvious, pray. Clearly God hears us if I find a book that took the words right out of my mouth. He is a breath's length away from you.
You can customize your own mechanism of protecting and maintaining your happiness. All in all, when the ice cream is finally gone and you played out that sad song, choose happiness. You'll be waiting forever if you don't. Make no mistake. Things will challenge it and you might have a bad day, but the important thing is recovering quickly because someone is waiting on you to change their life.
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