"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - things about such things." Philippians 4:8 NIV
About a week ago, I was having a particularly sad evening. So I remedied it by going to bed. That next morning I woke up from what was, to me, a nightmare about something that is near to my heart. Needless to say, that dream made matters worse and thoughts of fear and anxiety were swirling through my head all day. With the way I felt, the dream might as well have been real! This was something that I have battled with before and had gotten under control. I know how I am when things like this happen. I won't pray about the issue, I won't get encouragement from the Word and I won't talk to God because "I just need a moment". I got nothing accomplished that day and used my sadness as an excuse. The very next evening, I went to church as I heard a message about faith (something pretty commonly talked about). But this time, it was different! It was explained in a way that got my attention. The theme of the message was about recession and believing for God to restore back the material things that were lost [by faith]. That's not my story though (thank God!), so I'm believing for other things. I went home and repented for allowing doubt and fear to come into my heart and not believing that God is actually able to work my stuff out. Sometimes we feel that things are so far gone that we give up on them.
In reflection, I realized why I had a moment of a temper tantrum. My weekends had been particularly busy and long. When I find myself going to bed late, getting up early, not saying my confessions, running out the door and running on E, I'm in a position of vulnerability. I basically left the backdoor open for the enemy to get into my thoughts. So he seized the opportunity to deliver my [old] fears and [old] anxieties and I signed for the packages. These are things I have no business entertaining. So I reminded myself of the scripture above and told my mind that it will only think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Anything that is of negative report, you can find comfort in knowing that it is not from God. God doesn't deliver fear and anxiety. He's a business man but that's not his m.o.
Having a life and staying busy needs balance. With no balance, you will end up a target. It's ok to slow down and take care of not just your body but also your mind. Just know that whatever you are believing for, the enemy will come with his plan of attack to get your faith off of believing for that thing. It's no coincidence. That's the true test. How much do you really believe God is able, against all odds?
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