My friend to the left is saying it all without saying anything. The unfortunate part is that this is what we look like when we don't speak up. Silence is so loud. It's more piercing than the highest frequency. We have all been in a room full of people when a shocking question has been asked or a shocking answer has been given. The whole room has gone silent. What a deafening soundless sound! Every now and then, I'll watch Oprah to keep current on her show topics. A couple of days ago, she did a show which involved an experiment called What Would You Do. Basically they staged various controversial situations (using actors and actresses) to see if by-standers would react or how they would react rather. Or lack of reaction, also. I thought it was interesting because you never know what you will do or say until the pressure is on.
I believe that silence is the quietest death to anything. That's what our Civil Rights leaders believed also. That's why they marched, spoke, and made noise about the essentials to our human existence. Silence is not indecision, it's_a _decision. In the past week I have been surprised at the actions of others to the point where I couldn't be quiet, even if it was in church. I believe that's one of the reasons why I have a heart to be a Social Worker. Something inside me won't let me be quiet to injustice. Obviously words provoke change. How do you think policies in this country have passed or controversial cases in court have change the condition of right and wrong (whether the outcome was right or wrong).
Most importantly, I think about prayer. Prayer is communication between you and God. Prayer is like a universal key that can open any door, even if the locks are all different. It enables God to make moves. Those moments when I feel lazy and don't feel like praying, silence has won and with winning, it's at the cost of myself and others. The Body (Body of Christ) falls for silence because it's easier. Speaking up puts us in uncomfortable positions. Speaking up makes us the odd-ball when we are in pursuit of popularity. Speaking up deems us as "super-spiritual". Speaking up might mean rejection. As I am typing, it's chilling to know that someone has just passed away with the possibility that someone didn't witness to them the love of Christ because they looked intimidating. Or if someone is sick, we figure enough people are praying, so one less prayer won't make or brake. Hmmm, I wouldn't want to find out how right or wrong of a notion that is.
When the enemy has convinced us to keep our mouths closed, he has arrested us. What damage can we do him with our mouths shut and our hands preoccupied with sealing our mouths? We look like cowardly monkeys. We have received the instruction of the Word and that is to "pray continually...(1Thessalonians 5:17)". Why? Because we have an enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Keep your mouth moving, with prudence of course. If we were truly made in the image and likeness of God, in imitation of Him, were not made to be silent creations. God spoke and things came to be. Adam spoke and things were named. Moses spoke and led the people. Esther spoke and saved her people. Jesus spoke and saved us! Nothing is accomplished in silence. But much is to be accomplished with moving mouths and words of substance. Selah...
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