Usually in middle school, teenagers are going through changes and with that, sometimes accompanies acne (zits). But what is a zit really, or why is it rather? There is a hormone that produces more oil (oily skin) during that time and can clog your pores, causing an infection. The thing about white heads is that the infection remains below the surface of the skin and manifests with a white bump. So what's going on below the surface of the skin manifests itself and is released (by whatever method).
I believe God desires to take us to higher levels and I know that for myself. To myself, I feel that I am ready but it's not until God shows you flawed areas, that your realize underlying issues you didn't know were REALLY issues. Procrastination has been my biggest downfall. It use to be a joke because I felt that I did my "best" work at the last minute under pressure. That was usually the case. But now that I am an adult, procrastination has become a stronghold keeping me from moving forward smoothly. I started seeing things about myself that are flawed like how I don't keep an account of my money properly, or do things in a timely manner and that's a confidence killer. But I see now that those things (infections underneath) had to be brought to the surface (like white heads) and be brought to my attention. God wasn't showing me these things to discourage me! He was showing me so that I can acknowledge that I have a problem and allow Him to do a work in me. While we can't deliver ourselves from strongholds (only by the greater one on the inside of us) we can give God something to work with. For example, I have adopted the habit of creating of list of daily goals each morning. As long as I have my list, the Lord orders my day and helps me accomplish my tasks.
When you start noticing bad habits and undesirable traits about your character, don't get discouraged. Know that God is bringing those things to the surface so you can be delivered from them and be successful in everything you put your hand to. Zap those zits!
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