Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I was sitting in my car, about to do a home visit, and I was being nosey watching the police responding to a call at a house further down the street.  I just happened to look out the window to the left and across the street was this tiny brick house.  Although houses stood on either side of it,  it seemed as if it were standing alone.  It couldn't have been more than 800sq ft and probably had one bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen/dinning room/family room all in one.  My eyes were locked dead on this house.  I don't know why but for some reason I was attracted to it and I said to myself that I would live in that house if I had one of the most important things to me.  I would live in it for love.  The house could be empty, but as long as my heart was full that's all I would care about.  Here's to house 316.    


AJ said...

Love it, I completely agree chica!

JaiJov said...

I sooo understand! But I don't know Candi, maybe 1000sq ft would be a little more practical. :-)